Packing dirt around glaciers to slow climate change?

Dear Friends, Bold Iowa’s effort to bird-dog presidential candidates on climate change is going well. What’s missing is more people doing it. SIGN UP TO BIRD-DOG PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES ON CLIMATE Continue Reading →

Why I listen to Rush Limbaugh

Dear Friends, And yes, I mean “friends,” because there’s something I do for you that very few people would do: Listen to Rush Limbaugh. Why? So you don’t have to. Continue Reading →

Join the BIRDS!

Dear Friends, WANTED: Climate patriots to join BIRDS. Yup, BIRDS. That stands for Bold Iowa Relentless Dog Squad. We’re assembling a squad of supporters to persistently “bird-dog” presidential candidates about Bold Iowa’s Continue Reading →

Politics: Steyer sinks as Iowa women rise

Dear Friends, I caught the tail end of Tom Steyer’s bait-and-switch press conference yesterday. With great flair and grandiosity, Steyer announced he wasn’t running for President. Instead, he’ll invest his Continue Reading →