Dicamba pesticides under fire
Ed Fallon talks with Bill Freese, Science Policy Analyst at the Center for Food Safety. Continue Reading →
Ed Fallon talks with Bill Freese, Science Policy Analyst at the Center for Food Safety. Continue Reading →
The RNC may find a way — perhaps gracefully, perhaps not — to show Trump the exit door while ushering in Mike Pence as the nominee of preference. The growing critique from Trump’s base, coupled with the embarrassing failure of his kick-off rally, make this a genuine possibility. Continue Reading →
I guess for the Radical Right, Chinese communism is somehow less objectionable than Cuban communism. Or more likely, the success of Cuba’s rejection of industrial agriculture is a threat to the status quo — which brings us back to the mega bucks shelled out by Big Oil and Big Ag to keep people believing their lies. Continue Reading →
There is no doubt that industrial agriculture will fail as we move deeper into the New Climate Era. On the mind of every person who eats for a living should be one gnawing question: What must individuals, neighborhoods, cities, states, regions, and nations do to shift toward local, organic systems of food production that will allow us to survive in the difficult years ahead? Continue Reading →
Even while the officers’ taking a knee was immensely important, it is still just a symbol. A further coming together of the community needs to happen. We all must commit to working toward policy changes that shift the system away from the racism that has been accepted or perpetrated by too many – even by ourselves. Continue Reading →
The gaping hole in Biden’s must-win electorate universe is the progressive base — Democrats, independents, and non-voters who hunger for real change. Sorry to say, I’m already hearing from way too many who won’t vote for Biden. The best, perhaps only, way to change that is for Biden to choose a running mate who will excite the progressive base. There’s only one serious prospect on the horizon who fills that bill … Continue Reading →
League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Council 307 has launched a boycott of meat products from Tyson, Smithfield, JBS, and other negligent slaughterhouse giants. A coalition of workers, farmers, immigrant-rights advocates, and consumers is encouraging people to either do without meat or buy it from local farmers raising animals sustainably — and restaurants and grocery stores that carry their products. Continue Reading →
This week’s guest is, well, in a celebrity class that trumps all others. Here’s my interview with … Cory the Coronavirus Continue Reading →
Dear Friends, I first learned of the history of Mothers Day years ago during a sermon by the late Reverend Bob Crandall. With the scars of the Civil War still Continue Reading →
Dear Friends, If you watch one movie this week, let it be Planet of the Humans, presented by Michael Moore and produced by Jeff Gibbs. You may come away loving Continue Reading →