You really don’t want to live in Star Wars

“Energy is the thread that ties all our problems together into one knot. We need to cut the knot. We’re devolving further and further into techno-barbarism. I don’t want to live in Star Wars.” Continue Reading →

Support our small businesses

While Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity were calling the coronavirus a hoax, a fraud, and a Democratic conspiracy, our audience heard from a leading infectious disease physician in New Orleans Dr. Markalain Dery, Dr. Charles Goldman, and Dr. Stephen Goldman. Continue Reading →

Victory-Over-the-Virus Gardens

It’s past time to revive the Victory Garden movement. As we hunker down in our homes to minimize the spread of COVID19, perhaps we can call this new wave of urban food production “Victory-Over-the-Virus (VOTV) Gardens.” Continue Reading →

Joe Biden and the Oligarchy

It’s not that hard to understand why Biden will lose. In 21st century presidential elections, perceived outsider beats perceived insider. Every. Single. Time. The principle’s results are consistent. Al Gore. John Kerry. John McCain. Mitt Romney. Hillary Clinton. Perceived (or actual) insider has lost every presidential election since 2000. Continue Reading →

Presidential Primary, 2024: A Modest Proposal

In 2024, voting would begin on Tuesday, February 6. One state would vote each of the first six Tuesdays. We give states with the smallest populations precedence, since that allows the greatest candidate exposure. After that, four states, roughly in the same region, would vote each week through May 28. Continue Reading →