Dear Friends,

Dr. James Zogby
Dr. Charles Goldman is the guest host on this week’s Fallon Forum. Due to technical difficulties, Charles was unable to connect with Dr. Jim Zogby, co-founder of the Arab American Institute, to discuss the recent controversy over Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) comments regarding Israeli influence on American politics. Instead, we invite you to listen to Dr. Zogby in person tonight (Wednesday) in Des Moines, where he will discuss “Undoing the Damage We’ve Done Across the Middle East: The Current Situation and What We Can Do About It”.
Charles’ other guest on the program is State Senator Jim Carlin, Republican from northwest Iowa. They discuss some of the Iowa Legislative action not making headlines in the local media, topics other than abortion rights, Iowa’s purportedly activist judiciary, and once again fixing the essentially non-existent problems with voting.
Also on Charles’ docket: No, we don’t need a US constitutional amendment to fix the Electoral College. Enter the National Popular Vote Plan, an interstate compact, already enacted in 12 states that will take effect if it is passed into law in further states totaling 98 electoral votes. Should it be brought to fruition, the national popular vote winner of the presidential election will automatically become the next Chief Executive. No more popular vote losers becoming President (6 out of our 45 presidents) or “near misses” (4 out of the last 25 elections).