Bizarre Buck Moon story starts, ends with a rose

Des Moines, Iowa, has its weirdness (read “cool factor”) as well, as evidenced by Kathy Byrnes’s experience last Friday. Check out Kathy’s account (at the 2:26-minute mark) of her bizarre stroll through downtown Des Moines on the eve of the Buck Moon. It’s a journey that starts and ends with a red rose — with a whole bunch of weirdness transpiring in between. Continue Reading →

Victory-Over-the-Virus Gardens

It’s past time to revive the Victory Garden movement. As we hunker down in our homes to minimize the spread of COVID19, perhaps we can call this new wave of urban food production “Victory-Over-the-Virus (VOTV) Gardens.” Continue Reading →

Cars Matter More Than Kids

Dear Friends, My birthday is next week, and in the great tradition of Hobbits – who instead of receiving gifts on their birthdays give them – I’m offering four of you Continue Reading →