Dear Friends,

Siciliana Rosa Tomato seed we saved last year.
Do you need heirloom seeds or seedlings? Scroll down, as Birds & Bees Urban Farm might be able to help. But first, let’s frame the problem:
COVID-19 hasn’t had a notable impact on America’s food supply — not yet, at least. Dr. Kim Houlding and I discuss what has happened, and what might happen, on this week’s Forum. We’ll have a lot of food talk on upcoming programs, because life just doesn’t work real well without three squares a day.
Regardless of COVID-19’s current and eventual impact on agriculture, more and more people are aware that our entire network of survival — including essential supplies, government services, energy, and health care system — is dangerously vulnerable. That’s true of our food supply, too, as evidenced by this post on the Seed Savers Exchange Facebook Page last week announcing, “Due to a sharp increase in seed orders, we are not accepting new orders at this time.”

A small slice of last year’s abundant Siciliana Rosa harvest.
Here’s another indicator: Hatcheries are sold out of chicks. Check out this New York Times story, America Stress-Bought All the Baby Chickens. It mentions Murray McMurray hatchery in Webster City, where most chicks are sold out through April. I’ve been buying chicks from McMurray for twenty years and I’ve never known that to happen.
Americans’ awareness of the importance of food self-reliance is off the charts. But it takes 1-3 years to turn a lawn, vacant lot, or typical farm field into a functioning, sustainable food-production system. Given that McMurray and Seed Savers — two prominent national suppliers of baby chickens and vegetable seeds — are unable to keep up with the growing demand, building a broader supply network is urgent.
To that end, Kathy Byrnes and I incorporated Birds & Bees Urban Farm last year. Our primary focus is to teach city people how to turn their yard into dinner. We also have a decent stockpile of heirloom seeds, and will soon have over 400 vegetable seedlings hungry for fertile homes. Check out the details here, and message Kathy at if you’re interested in seeds, seedlings, our workshops, or consultation.
Also … please support the local businesses who partner with the Fallon Forum. We couldn’t do it without them and our monthly subscribers!
Click here to listen to this week’s podcast, where we discuss:
- Managing rainfall in the New Climate Era, with Allison Van Pelt (1:26)
- Is Dr. Fauci a hero or a villain, with Dr. Charles Goldman (18:26)
- Governor Reynolds uses COVID-19 to shut down abortion, with Dr. Charles Goldman (35:20)
- COVID-19’s impact on food production and veterinary services, with Dr. Kim Houlding (51:46)
Listen to the Fallon Forum on our website, Facebook Page, and on these local affiliates:
– KHOI 89.1 FM (Ames, IA)
– KICI.LP 105.3 FM (Iowa City, IA)
– WHIV 102.3 FM (New Orleans, LA)
– KPIP-LP, 94.7 FM (Fayette, MO)
– KCEI 90.1 FM (Taos, NM)
Ed Fallon