Wanted: Bold Iowans
Dear Friends, I’m writing with an urgent appeal. Since March of 2016, Bold Iowa has been a key leader on climate change and eminent domain. In fact, our work is recognized Continue Reading →
Dear Friends, I’m writing with an urgent appeal. Since March of 2016, Bold Iowa has been a key leader on climate change and eminent domain. In fact, our work is recognized Continue Reading →
Dear Friends – I’m pumped about Saturday’s big event, spear-headed by Indigenous Iowa and highlighting the music of Gabriel Ayala. Gabriel may well be one of the most accomplished guitarists ever to perform at the Iowa Continue Reading →
Saturday, April 29, 2017 – Pleasant Hill to Iowa State Capitol (7 miles) It’s just under a seven-mile march from our church lodging in Pleasant Hill to the Iowa State Continue Reading →
Friday, April 28, 2017 – Prairie City to Pleasant Hill (14 miles) Today promises to be the most difficult of the March: 14 miles in cold, rainy weather along a busy four-lane Continue Reading →
Thursday, April 27, 2017 – Reasnor to Prairie City (11 miles) The weather has gone cold and damp, with temperatures 20 degrees below average. Days like this give fodder to Continue Reading →
Wednesday, April 26, 2017 – Sully to Reasnor (10 miles) We scramble out of our tents early today for the ride to Des Moines for Donnielle Wanatee’s trial. She was Continue Reading →
Tuesday, April 25, 2017 – Searsboro to Sully (8.5 miles) As I pack up my tent this morning, Sarah informs me that she woke with a pit in her stomach, Continue Reading →
Monday, April 24, 2017 – Montezuma to Searsboro (9.5 miles) Searsboro is one of those small, forgotten Iowa towns bypassed by the main highway. It’s a sprawling community of 142 Continue Reading →
Sunday, April 23, 2017 – Deep River to Montezuma (10 miles) As we circle up this morning and prepare to leave Deep River, a man driving an ATV pulls up. Continue Reading →
Saturday, April 22, 2017 – Little Creek Camp to Deep River (12.8 miles) Today saw three notable “firsts,” none of them good. Our troupe of 25-30 marchers were flipped off three Continue Reading →