URGENT! Tell DNC delegation to vote for change!

Dear Friends –

This afternoon, Tom Perez — the establishment candidate for chair of the Democratic National Committee — tweeted this:

“Grateful fo have Iowa’s support for #DNCchair. Thank you to the entire delegation.”

WHAT?! YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING?! On a wave of change, the Iowa Democratic Party’s State Central Committee (SCC) voted in a new chair and vice chair. Committee members know that a new direction is needed. They know that voters rejected the failed status quo.

What part of that message did Iowa’s delegation fail to hear?

This afternoon, according to Perez’s tweet, all six voting delegates from Iowa are backing the Establishment candidate over Congressman Keith Ellison — the hands-down progressive alternative.

This is astounding. Insulting. And yeah, just flat-out stupid.

I guarantee you Republican Party leaders and Donald Trump will be doing the happy dance if Perez is crowned the new head of the Democratic National Committee.

And the vote is Saturday morning!

So, what can YOU do? Contact the IDP’s voting delegates IMMEDIATELY. Tell them that if Perez is the Party’s leader, we can expect the same results we saw under the discredited, corporate-cozy leadership of former DNC chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

And why should these six people listen to lil ole you and me?

If you’re a Democrat who is tired of a Party that fails at the polls and at policy . . .

If you’re a former Democrat, like me, who would rejoin the Party if it charted a new course . . .

If you’re registered No-Party, Green or Libertarian and want to see a Democratic Party aligned with the people, not special interests . . .

Then they really oughta give a hoot about what you think.

So, tonight, or first thing tomorrow morning, contact these folks and tell them to support change and vote for Rep. Keith Ellison:

Jan Bauer (Jan’s active on Facebook)
Scott Brennan 515-288-2500 (ext 1) (work)
Derek Eadon 515-954-8630 (cell)
Dave Loebsack 319-804-9218 (his campaign manager, Joe Hern)
Sandy Opstvedt (Sandy’s active on Facebook)
Andrea Phillips 515-707-6431 (cell)

Thanks for doing whatever you can do on short notice! – Ed Fallon

One Reply to “URGENT! Tell DNC delegation to vote for change!”

  1. Debra Marine

    If you vote for the same day establishment candidate my husband and I will change party affiliation from Democrat to I dependant. Have you learned absolutely nothing?