Kathy’s favorite farm and food lady
We wrap up this week’s podcast and radio show with Kathy paying tribute to her Aunt Marian, who died this month at the glorious age of 99.
Marian was Kathy’s mom’s older sister and the mother of twelve children. In addition to an old-school farming operation with hogs, corn, beans, alfalfa, and sorghum, Marian ruled over a huge garden and two full kitchens!
Between preserving food for the winter and serving three meals a day to 14 people, the kitchens pretty much ran full-time. Marian’s apple pies in particular were known far and wide.
It’s my contention that 21st century America has much to learn from Marian Smith and the farming practices of a bygone era. As supply chains are further disrupted from climate change and other calamities, large gardens and small-scale meat production will become necessities, not novelties. Continue Reading →