Sailing for a nuclear free world

On this week’s program, Helen Jaccard of Veterans for Peace joins Charles and me to discuss a bold initiative elevating the urgency of nuclear disarmament.

I got my start working for a better world in 1984 out of deep concern over the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

The danger of nuclear war remains very real, yet it doesn’t register as a high priority for most people, publications, and politicians. That’s changed a bit recently, as Russia’s war against Ukraine continues to elevate the profile and risk of a nuclear confrontation.

Enter the Golden Rule — a powerful call-to-action organized by Veterans for Peace. The ship is currently sailing down the Mississippi River, with plans to continue an extensive voyage running through the end of 2023. Continue Reading →

The Nuclear Threat

I really hate talking about this, and I imagine you do, too. But let’s be adults. Humanity has a nuclear weapons problem that could wipe out everything — yes, everything! Americans were more woke (yeah, I said woke) about the nuclear threat back in the 1980s.

Real change was accomplished at that time, including a ban on nuclear testing, in large part because of the huge global, grassroots movement to end the nuclear arms race.

It was fear of nuclear war that compelled me to become politically active in 1984. I was farming my family’s ancestral land in Ireland that year. In between planting potatoes and making hay, I participated in protests organized by Irish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament against then-president Ronald Reagan’s unsuccessful proposal to station nuclear missiles in Ireland. Continue Reading →