COP27: Success, failure, or mixed bag?

Was COP27 a success, a failure, or a mixed bag? Sad to say, it was mostly a flop.

At the conclusion of COP27, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said, “Our planet is still in the emergency room. We need to drastically reduce emissions now — and this is an issue this COP did not address. The world still needs a giant leap on climate ambition.”

The bottom line is the summit didn’t deliver on what the scientific consensus says is most desperately needed and long overdue: a global commitment to drastically slash greenhouse-gas emissions. Continue Reading →

Don’t let them treat our soil like dirt

Big-Ag and Big-Oil are behind these CO2 pipelines, and they’re making the same empty promises made by DAPL. This time, a lot more farmers and landowners aren’t falling for it.

Regarding this week’s Fallon Forum, thanks to all the listeners who called in. If you want to join us next week, we livestream the program on Monday at 4:00 p.m. CT. Here’s the flow of our conversation, with time stamps:

(1:29) MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. Some Republicans like to quote King to imply he’d be against teaching about racism in the schools. Yet you never hear the same apologists use more provocative quotes from King. Leonard Pitts has an excellent column about this, and I reference it extensively in our discussion. Continue Reading →