Meet Gary, my #1 detractor

Most of the feedback I receive about my radio show, podcast, and blog is positive. There’s a fair amount of criticism, too, and much of that is solid. Sometimes, it causes me to rethink my position.

Then there’s Gary. He’s my most reliable detractor. I discuss my correspondence with him on this week’s program . Here’s a sampling of our back-and-forth:


Gary: The Democrat Party is the driver behind building CO2 pipelines.

Me: It’s crystal clear to all involved that Republican mega-donor Bruce Rastetter is the leading force behind the Summit pipeline. Of course, President Biden signed the legislation that expands the tax credits for CO2 pipelines. So there’s bipartisan culpability.

Gary: Anyone can receive a fair accommodation for pipelines crossing their property … contrary to all the LIES Democrats are telling.

Me: So you’re ok with Big Government allowing a Big Corporation to forcibly take someone’s land through eminent domain as long as they receive what you determine to be “fair accommodation”? Continue Reading →