Marchers return to White House to meet with President’s staff

Hi Friends,

Here’s a press release that just went out that I’d invite you to help circulate:

On Wednesday, January 28th at 10:00 a.m., twelve participants of the Great March for Climate Action will arrive at the White House for a meeting with Dan Utech, Special Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change and Rohan Patel, Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Intergovernmental Affairs.

Marchers traveling to Washington, DC for the meeting come from ten states. They will share with Mr. Utech and Mr. Patel their experiences throughout the eight-month, 3,000-mile journey from Los Angeles to Washington, DC last year. Marchers want to thank President Obama and his administration for their leadership on climate change, including the President’s promised veto of legislation authorizing the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. At the same time, marchers will urge the President’s staff in the strongest possible way to take bolder action, and to take it sooner rather than later.

“We experienced things most people can’t even imagine,” said Ed Fallon, the March’s founder. “Throughout our journey, we encountered first-hand some of the unprecedented weather climate scientists have predicted. And we met face-to-face people impacted by climate change and people grappling with an expanding fossil fuel infrastructure that is damaging or destroying their land, water and very way of life.”

The participants traveling to the White House are Fallon and Miriam Kashia (Iowa), Steve Martin (Kentucky), Marie Davis (Vermont), Kathe Thompson (Florida), Paul Sherlock (Ohio), Doug Grandt (Nebraska), John Jorgenson (Arizona), Benjamin Bushwick (Maryland), Kat Haber (Alaska), and Kelsey Erickson and Bruce Nayowith (Massachusetts).

Podcasts from this week’s Fallon Forum are available here, and include these conversations:

– Lessons for America on Paris terror attack
– Nebraska Supreme Court thwarts justice on Keystone pipeline, with Channing Dutton
– Wanted: Leadership on bio-diesel, with David May
– Change needed in Iowa’s primary election process, with State Senator Brad Zaun
– Bad news for bees, with State Apiarist Andy Joseph

Tune-in Monday, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm CST on KDLF 1260 AM or online. Join the conversation by calling (515) 528-8122. You also can hear the Fallon Forum on KHOI 89.1 FM (Ames) at 5:00 pm on Wednesday and on KPVL 89.1 FM (Postville) at 7:00 pm on Wednesday. Thanks!

Ed Fallon