Dear Friends,
On this week’s program, I talk with the Brothers Goldman — Drs. Charles and Stephen, and no relation to Goldman Sachs’ founder Marcus Goldman. These are the good Goldmans, the defenders of democracy and progressive thought, not the dude whose “too-big-to-fail” mega-bank helped launch the 2008 recession and financial crash.

Marcus Goldman: Founder of Goldman Sachs — not one of the warm, fuzzy Goldman brothers.
The good Goldmans and I dig into the history of fascism and discuss whether concerns about America going full-out fascist are overblown, election-year, scare-the-voter hype. The short answer is no, such concerns are not overblown. The risk is real, and the parallels to Germany in the 1930s are too striking to ignore.
The bottom line is this: Vote as if your life and our democracy depend on it!
My conversation with the Goldmans begins at the 14:22-minute mark. I’d love to have your feedback. Agree? Disagree? Every opinion and angle is welcome. As is my custom, I’ll respond to all enquiries — unless you call me a knuckle-dragging, cave-dwelling misogynist. Then I’ll send you flowers or maybe a get-well-soon card.
Also on this week’s program:
— To kick it off, I discuss President Trump’s repeal of nearly 100 climate and environmental regulations as presented in a powerful film called Rollbacks: An Assault Against Life on Earth. And yes, you really have to see this film — now, before the election!
— Maria Filippone joins me at the 40:12-minute mark to analyze how Israel’s pact with Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates could affect Palestinians.
— Finally, at the 52:39-minute mark, Kathy Byrnes and I discuss why food security matters to all of us — not just those currently dealing with food insecurity. Check out our conversation on Facebook, too.
If you live in central Iowa, please support the local businesses and non-profits who make this program possible. Click on their logos elsewhere on this site. Visit Story County Veterinary Clinic, Bold Iowa, and Birds & Bees Urban Farm.
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– KHOI 89.1 FM (Ames, IA)
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– KCEI 90.1 FM (Taos, NM)
Thanks for supporting the progressive alternative to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity!
Ed Fallon