Dear Friends,
In a bygone era, the race to space was a superpower obsession: US vs USSR. Now it’s a testosterone-laced competition between two billionaires: Jeff Bezos vs Richard Branson.
I’m having a hard time curbing my utter lack of enthusiasm for this spectacle — though I confess to a secret curiosity as to whether it’s possible to grow potatoes on Mars. (Thank you, Matt Damon, for planting that seed.)
Meanwhile back on Earth, life goes on for those of us working to clean up the mess created by crony capitalism (to borrow a phrase from Mitt Romney) and rampant industrialization. One important thing you can do to make a difference is speak to your local elected officials about the climate emergency.

Lauren and Cory McAnelly
While it’s never a bad time to talk with politicians, you’re most likely to have their full attention leading up to an election.
Across the country, this year’s electoral calendar is chock-full of municipal contests. Here, with eight candidates running for three seats on the Des Moines City Council, we’ve invited each candidate to appear on The Fallon Forum for a conversation about what our city should do in response to worsening climate impacts. We’re particularly interested in hearing their thoughts on strengthening and localizing our food, energy, and water systems.
Here’s this week’s podcast interview with Ward 3 candidate Cory McAnelly, beginning at the 53:30 mark. You can also check out our conversation on YouTube.
The full line-up for this week’s program features some excellent and inspiring guests (CLICK HERE TO LISTEN):
— Grinnell College goes solar, with Rob Hach, Trusted Energy (01:23)
— Understanding net zero, with James Dyke, University of Exeter, Great Britain (14:23)
— “Think downstream” water initiative, with Jennifer Terry, Des Moines Water Works (27:57)
— Talk show host claims critical race theory will lead to death camps for white people, with Dartanyan Brown (41:07)
— Cory McAnelly, Des Moines City Council candidate (53:31)
— Will Jeff Bezos move to Mars to escape the climate emergency?, with Kathy Byrnes (1:06:25)
Thanks for reading, listening, and supporting our effort to provide a voice to perspectives rarely heard on commercial radio!
Subscribe to the Fallon Forum on Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, or your preferred podcast platform. Check out our website and Facebook Page, and listen to the program on these and other local affiliates:
– KHOI 89.1 FM (Ames, Iowa)
– KICI.LP 105.3 FM (Iowa City, Iowa)
– WHIV 102.3 FM (New Orleans, Louisiana)
– KPIP-LP, 94.7 FM (Fayette, Missouri)
– KCEI 90.1 FM (Taos, New Mexico)
– KRFP 90.3 FM (Moscow, Idaho)
Please support the local businesses and non-profits who make this program possible. Click on their logos on this website and in our weekly email, and visit Dr. Drake Family Psychiatry, Story County Veterinary Clinic, Bold Iowa, and Birds & Bees Urban Farm.
Thanks for supporting the progressive alternative to the right-wing shock jocks!
Ed Fallon