Banned books vs freedom

Dear Friends,

LISTEN TO THIS WEEK’S PROGRAM, with Charles Goldman, Kathy Byrnes, and Ed Fallon

(01:15) Banned books vs freedom;
(18:00) Presidential incumbent challengers and third parties;
(36:41) What next from the radical religious right;
(53:44) Heatwaves and worldwide food security.

Like me, Charles prefers freedom over censorship. Yet if Charles were inclined to ban books, the one pictured here would probably be at the top of his list. For you see, Charles suffers from galeophobia, i.e., fear of sharks.

Maybe I went too far teasing Charles about sharks during this week’s program. Did I really have to share material from four separate shark classics: Jaws, Baby Shark, Land Shark, and Sharknado? What’s wrong with me?

If I’d done a simple online search, I would have learned that “a study conducted in 2015 revealed that 51% of Americans are absolutely terrified of sharks.”

So, to all you galeophobes who listen to our radio show or podcast this week, my sincerest apologies for the flurry of shark clips and quips. I had no idea that not being afraid of sharks landed me in the minority.

But when it comes to banning books, Charles and I are squarely with the majority. A 2022 Embold Research study conducted for EveryLibrary Institute found that 75% Americans oppose book bans!

I hope you’ll check out our conversation about book banning, and our other gabs, too, of course, including my discussion with Kathy about how heatwaves are affecting global food security. Charles discusses the nearly 400 books that are targeted with bannage in the Urbandale, Iowa, School District, where his son goes to school.

I share what Ian Roberts, the new superintendent of the Des Moines Public Schools, said in an Axios Des Moines story. It’s too good not to share a few snippets with you:

“Roberts says the district will follow the new law and work within the parameters of ‘what is legal and what is moral.’ … Roberts says that while he expects teachers to follow the law, if a teacher violates it and follows a student’s wishes, they will have his ‘full support.’ … His goal is to avoid violating the law, and points out that there are still many books available to students that address equity and diversity; he doesn’t believe removing ‘one or two’ will compromise student learning.”

I think I’m gonna like this guy.

Thanks for reading, listening, and taking action.


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Please support the local businesses and non-profits who make this program possible. Click on their logos on the Fallon Forum website and in our weekly email, and visit Bold Iowa, and Birds & Bees Urban Farm. Thanks to Des Moines Irish Session for providing our bumper music, and thank you for supporting the civil alternative to the shock jocks!

Ed Fallon