Andrea Phillips

Dear Friends —

I’m pretty consistent about my commitment to sending just one email message per week. Once in awhile, I make an exception when there’s something particularly pressing I need to bring to your attention. Now is one of those times. 

If you live in central Iowa, I hope you’ll invest a few hours over the next twelve days helping Andrea Phillips in the special election to fill a state senate seat in Ankeny.

There are lots of compelling reasons to support Andrea. Here’s one: She actually responds to phone calls and email messages! Yeah, I know, that shouldn’t be a rare quality in an elected official. But such are the times in which we live.

Andrea has a proven track record as a Democratic leader in Iowa. When you contact her, you don’t get a perfunctory “thank you for the benefit of your views” response (that line’s straight from multiple Senator Grassley letters, by the way). Andrea responds personally and follows through when action is needed.

More than ever, we need that kind of leadership in Iowa, especially given that the Iowa Legislature’s Republican majority has shut average people out of the process and bullied cities, counties, and school districts when local leaders enact changes contrary to the far-right’s corporate agenda.

So please. Help elect someone who isn’t another disconnected politician ignoring the common good. Find a few hours before September 14 to volunteer for Andrea. Her campaign needs help knocking doors, making phone calls, dropping off literature, and driving Andrea while she knocks doors. Contact campaign manager, Mary McAdams, at (515) 681-5858 or

You can also help with a donation, of course. Thanks! — Ed Fallon