Religion, politics, money, and the endless growth paradigm

Money. Politics. Religion. Those are everyone’s top-three choices for Thanksgiving dinner conversation, right? Ok, not so much.

But maybe they should be, since each has a role to play in fueling the endless growth paradigm — which is neither physically, economically, nor spiritually sustainable.

On this week’s program, we tackle the confluence of those three forces. Mark Clipsham (architect, builder, DJ) is my in-studio guest. We’re joined by five callers who share differing and provocative perspectives. Continue Reading →

Don’t let them treat our soil like dirt

Big-Ag and Big-Oil are behind these CO2 pipelines, and they’re making the same empty promises made by DAPL. This time, a lot more farmers and landowners aren’t falling for it.

Regarding this week’s Fallon Forum, thanks to all the listeners who called in. If you want to join us next week, we livestream the program on Monday at 4:00 p.m. CT. Here’s the flow of our conversation, with time stamps:

(1:29) MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. Some Republicans like to quote King to imply he’d be against teaching about racism in the schools. Yet you never hear the same apologists use more provocative quotes from King. Leonard Pitts has an excellent column about this, and I reference it extensively in our discussion. Continue Reading →

Don’t Look Up … or down

We humans. We’re a mischievous bunch. When one says “don’t,” our natural response is “do.”

Thus, my thinly-disguised attempt at reverse psychology WANTS you to look up … or more, specifically, to watch Don’t Look Up. More on that next week, because …

I also want you to look down … down at the 1,600 miles of Iowa farmland that could be torn apart by two proposed CO2 pipelines. Here’s the quick-and-dirty as to why the Summit and Navigator (Valero) pipelines are wrong, wrong, and wrong. Continue Reading →