Thanks to our Climate March supporters
Dear Friends, Check out this week’s PODCAST. We discuss ranked choice voting, Maureen McCue’s new book (Birds in the Morning, Frogs at Night), Bison Bridge, Line 3, and high food prices. Continue Reading →
Dear Friends, Check out this week’s PODCAST. We discuss ranked choice voting, Maureen McCue’s new book (Birds in the Morning, Frogs at Night), Bison Bridge, Line 3, and high food prices. Continue Reading →
“Rather than acknowledge the seriousness of our situation, we instead continue to participate in the fantasy of net zero. What will we do when reality bites? What will we say to our friends and loved ones about our failure to speak out now?
“The time has come to voice our fears and be honest with wider society. Current net zero policies will not keep warming to within 1.5°C because they were never intended to. They were and still are driven by a need to protect business as usual, not the climate. If we want to keep people safe then large and sustained cuts to carbon emissions need to happen now. That is the very simple acid test that must be applied to all climate policies. The time for wishful thinking is over.” Continue Reading →
It’s encouraging that so many key Republicans have spoken out strongly against this sham. Yet, here’s the problem, and why this is not petty or small-scale theft: If other states controlled by Republican legislators pick up on the idea, as seems entirely possible, this insanity could snowball to the point of truly threatening a key pillar of American democracy.
And if Trump’s minions succeed in stealing the public’s confidence in our electoral system, there’s not much left to democracy. See the disenfranchised people of Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea for details. Continue Reading →
Seriously, it’s just shy of amazing that we’ve aired this program continuously for twelve years. The Fallon Forum began on one Iowa radio station and now airs on stations in Iowa, Missouri, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Idaho. We’re also a podcast, of course, because everyone and their crazy uncle’s got a podcast these days, right?
What’s so amazing about the Forum? If you’ve dared to listen to a talk show on any large commercial station you’ve noticed that close to 100% of the conversation is way far right. Progressive voices are almost nonexistent. Continue Reading →
Many people claim that the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is complicated. I don’t buy that. It boils down to the blatant denial of human rights to the Palestinian people. If the US would stop funding the Israeli war machine and join other nations in denouncing Israel’s injustices toward Palestinians, I believe we would have peace in relatively short order.
To those detractors who claim the Arab world wants to drive Israel into the sea, that sounds much like the false argument some people used years ago to defend a divided Ireland. “Home rule is Rome rule,” they said, stoking fears that an independent and united Ireland would be governed by the Pope.
Similarly, Israel needs to be one country where Jews, Muslims, Christians, and others not only respect but learn to appreciate each other’s differences. Just as Ireland is not officially a Catholic country, although 75% of the population is Catholic, Israel shouldn’t declare Judaism its official religion either. Continue Reading →