Climate Justice Unity March: Day 4
Tuesday, April 25, 2017 – Searsboro to Sully (8.5 miles) As I pack up my tent this morning, Sarah informs me that she woke with a pit in her stomach, Continue Reading →
Tuesday, April 25, 2017 – Searsboro to Sully (8.5 miles) As I pack up my tent this morning, Sarah informs me that she woke with a pit in her stomach, Continue Reading →
Monday, April 24, 2017 – Montezuma to Searsboro (9.5 miles) Searsboro is one of those small, forgotten Iowa towns bypassed by the main highway. It’s a sprawling community of 142 Continue Reading →
Sunday, April 23, 2017 – Deep River to Montezuma (10 miles) As we circle up this morning and prepare to leave Deep River, a man driving an ATV pulls up. Continue Reading →
Saturday, April 22, 2017 – Little Creek Camp to Deep River (12.8 miles) Today saw three notable “firsts,” none of them good. Our troupe of 25-30 marchers were flipped off three Continue Reading →
Dear Friends, Q: What’s more challenging than marching ten miles a day for eight days? A: Organizing the logistics to make such a march possible. Seriously. Shari Hrdina, Sarah Spain Continue Reading →
Dear Friends, As we build to the big rally on April 29, I am all kinds of excited about the upcoming Climate Justice Unity March! We have 20 people planning Continue Reading →
Dear Friends, The Iowa Utilities Board continues to demonstrate how out of touch it is with both reality and public opinion. Check out this Bleeding Heartland story about Board chair Continue Reading →