Women’s March!

Dear Friends,

This week, I’m pulling together my contacts who’ve supported the Great March for Climate Action, Bold Iowa, and the Fallon Forum for one urgent message:


What’s been happening across America this past year is incredible and historic.

This part is frightening:

The oligarchy of political and corporate elites who oppose justice, equality, peace and our environment are enacting policies that erode the very foundations of our democracy.

The other part is encouraging and essential:

Pushback from a growing coalition of average Americans committed to fighting for our rights, liberties, and planet continues to swell.

Every week, there are more events, rallies and calls-to-action than I have ever seen in my three decades of activism. Thanks to all of you who participate.

It’s hard to tell when you’re in the middle of the storm, but you are changing history. You are blocking tanks even more threatening than the ones blocked by “Tank Man” in Tiananman Square in 1989.

That’s how much is at stake!

That’s how important your involvement is at this time!

This weekend pulls all of our concerns together under one banner, highlighting the growing power of women’s voices in our fight. Your voice is needed this weekend! Come stand with hundreds and thousands of others at the Women’s March in your city or state. I’ll be in Des Moines, and hope to see some of you there.

Women’s March events across America

Marches in (or near) Iowa:
Des Moines
Iowa City
Quad Cities
Omaha, NE
Sioux Falls, SD


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Check out this week’s Fallon Forum (above) featuring one of Iowa’s promising young women leaders, Ashley Vanorny, recently elected to the Cedar Rapids City Council. Also, Charles Goldman and I cover the previous week’s policy and political highlights, including the fury over Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury,” the insanity of Hawaii’s ballistic missile alert, and (because we can’t help ourselves) the NFL playoffs.

