Dear Friends,
In a rational, high-functioning country, it wouldn’t take a film like The Race to Save the World to mobilize people to fight climate change. Sadly, since we have some work to do on that front, perhaps this latest film by award-winning producer, Joe Gantz, might do the trick.

Joe Gantz
Joe’s other films include American Winter (about poverty in the US), Ending Disease (about stem-cell research), and Taxi Cab Confessions (title says all). Joe’s work is outstanding. It’s also cutting-edge, tackling big issues many film producers don’t dare touch.
The Race To Save The World takes a deep dive into the efforts of some of America’s boldest, most passionate climate activists. There’s Abby Brockway, a mother who — after an oil train derails close to her daughter’s school — blocks a train while suspended from a tripod.
There’s Aji Piper, the lead plaintiff in his state’s “Our Children’s Trust” lawsuit. The suit asserts that the State of Washington has failed to take action to protect the future of its youngest residents.
There’s Michael Foster, one of five “valve turners” arrested for shutting down oil flowing through pipelines in four states a few years ago.
There’s Bill Moyer, the co-founder of Backbone Campaign, a group that used kayaks to block a Shell Oil drilling rig headed to the Arctic.

Miriam Kashia
Finally, there’s the Great March for Climate Action (now known as Climate March. Four of those who marched coast-to-coast in 2014 are featured in the film: Miriam Kashia, Michael Zambrano, Mack Wilkins, and Sean Glenn.
Gantz’s documentary crew were embedded with the Climate March during our entire journey. The crew’s presence validated the importance of our purpose and mission, although being constantly trailed by cameras for eight months made it feel as if we were living in a reality TV show. The physical exhaustion of marching coupled with the rigors of outdoor living added a surreal element to the experience.
I really, really, really (yes, three “reallys”) hope you’ll watch the film.
Between May 4 and 15, if you purchase your ticket(s) at this link ($10 apiece, bring your own popcorn), Climate March receives a portion of the sale. Bonus: On Saturday, May 15 at 7:00 p.m., ticket purchasers are invited to a panel discussion of marchers to comment on the film and what steps to take next.
As Gantz says on the film’s website, “The Race to Save The World is an inspiring call to action, urging each one of us to become climate warriors for a livable future.” That’s a big claim, and I’ll agree with Joe — but it will only inspire if you watch it and help get the word out.
Thanks again for reading, listening, watching, and otherwise supporting this alternative to the corporate-dominated stations that have taken over the public airwaves. — Ed Fallon
(02:23) The Race to Save the World
(14:39) When Big Ag and Big Government get together, what happens? You get a huge factory farm practically no one wants, with Larry Stone
(27:35) Republicans find still yet another way to suppress the vote: simply declare voters “inactive,” with Linn County Auditor Joel Miller
(40:43) Iowa library leads the way on climate change, even as a state university stalls, with Maureen McCue
(51:40) What Girl Scouts are saying about local food security, with Ashley Bohnenkamp and Kathy Byrnes
Watch the conversation with Ashley and Kathy on our YouTube channel.
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Ed Fallon