Responding to the repeal of Roe v. Wade
Sure, there are some monsters out there who have shot and killed doctors, terrorized pregnant women, and burned down medical facilities. Yet from my own work building bridges, most are good people who simply have strong beliefs. In my conversations, I listen, of course, and try to identify common ground. Yet I don’t hesitate to politely challenge “pro-life” voters to consider how a nation committed to personal liberty and religious tolerance can defend denying a woman the right to make this choice.
During 14 years as a state lawmaker, I had a 100% pro-choice voting record. Yet that didn’t stop me from working with “pro-life” Republicans to come up with strategies to reduce the incidence of abortion. That effort culminated in 1998, when five Republicans and two Democrats joined me in sponsoring HR104. That legislation passed without dissent on April 22. It established the Unintended Pregnancy Committee, and provided one of the few occasions when NARAL, Planned Parenthood, Family Policy Center, and Iowa Right to Life Committee sat down at the same table and talked.
While those of us who support a woman’s right to choose must be vocal, engaged, and firm, we must also be civil. Preaching to the choir while we lob derogatory remarks at “the other side” accomplishes nothing.
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