Dems should be in panic mode at Biden’s poll numbers
Democrats should be in panic mode about Biden’s poll numbers. The way things are going, Joe Biden is going to lose to Donald Trump in November, 2024. You probably don’t want to hear that, and I hate to say it, but I believe it’s true and a reality that needs to be confronted.
A May 7 Washington Post-ABC News poll confirms my fear. That poll found that 44% said they’d either definitely or probably vote for Trump in 2024, while 38% picked Biden. The poll also had DeSantis beating Biden, 48-41%.
Democrats ignore these numbers at their peril. But wait, it gets worse. A question on page 18 of a February, 2023, Harris Poll reads: “Is Joe Biden mentally fit to serve as President of the United States or do you have doubts about his fitness for office?”
A whopping 57% of respondents had doubts about Biden’s mental fitness, and 63% said he’s too old to be president. Sure, the same questions could be — and should be — asked about Donald Trump. Regardless, the reality is voters have reservations about Biden’s mental well being, and those reservations aren’t going away. Continue Reading →