An Iowa Democrat worth listening to

It’s no secret that I think the Iowa Democratic Party is an unmitigated disaster. That’s not a hard argument to make, given the scarcity of Democrats holding elected office at the Statehouse — super-minorities in both chambers and only one statewide elected official. When it comes to the US Congress, Iowa Democrats have exactly zero elected officials representing our state.

Iowa used to have a strong Democratic Party. And don’t get me wrong: Iowa needs a strong Democratic Party.

That can happen again if people start listening to this guy: State Rep. Josh Turek. Continue Reading →

Boston Ketchup Rebellion

Fenway Park is the famed home of the Boston Red Sox. One of only nine MLB parks not named after a corporation, Fenway is also the only park named after a natural area, referencing a nearby “fen,” or marsh. How cool is that?

Like most major league sports fans, Fenway patrons love over-priced junk food. Recently, Fenway’s concession vendor, True Made Foods, revamped the park’s ketchup with a sugar-free alternative. Abe Kamarck, the company’s CEO, describes conventional ketchup as “red sugar,” and figured out how to make a decent product sweetened with carrots and squash.

Well, calling it a “decent product” is, apparently, a matter of opinion. A whole lot of Fenway fans beg to differ. Continue Reading →