Silencing Israel’s critics
Check out this week’s podcast/radio program and give me your take on my conversation with Jeffrey Weiss. Jeffrey will blush when I say this: He’s a central Iowa treasure when it comes to analyzing foreign policy. He’s also not afraid to join a march, rally, or protest and have fun while making an important statement. (See photo for proof.)
ISRAEL-PALESTINE. Jeffrey and I discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and why there is so much push back against pro-Palestinian perspectives. For example, the bizarre decision by the Iowa Democratic Party to call for the resignation of three leaders with the University of Iowa’s University Democrats for writing a statement that included this: “Not only do we preach tolerance, but as an organization we emphasize education. The actions of the Israeli government are not the actions of Jews, and the actions of Hamas are not the actions of Palestinians or Muslims.”
Jeffrey and I also discuss the expression “from the river to the sea.”
We disagree about the political influence of AIPAC. Jeffrey feels the group’s impact is waning. I’m not at all convinced. Continue Reading →