“You’re probably getting screwed”

This is solid, progressive-prairie populism, and it has deep roots in northwest Iowa. (The 1932 Farmers’ Holiday sported this poetic slogan: “Lets call a Farmer’s Holiday, a holiday let’s hold. We’ll eat our wheat and ham and eggs, and let them eat their gold”.)

J.D.’s message is timely and resonates with most voters. Which brings me to the obvious question:

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Dave Funk: Retired Northwest Airlines Captain, Trump voter

By several metrics, my interviews with Iowa Trump voters have gone well. The dialogue is good. We’re finding common ground. We’re dispelling the false notion that Trump voters are stupid. And on some fronts, I’m having my own views challenged.

What’s not coming together is clarity on the climate emergency. Take my conversation with Dave Funk. What to me are solid, irrefutable facts are, to Dave, either up for discussion or simply false. While I respect that, I also find it frustrating. Continue Reading →

Biden’s only good choice for VP

The gaping hole in Biden’s must-win electorate universe is the progressive base — Democrats, independents, and non-voters who hunger for real change. Sorry to say, I’m already hearing from way too many who won’t vote for Biden. The best, perhaps only, way to change that is for Biden to choose a running mate who will excite the progressive base. There’s only one serious prospect on the horizon who fills that bill … Continue Reading →