Dear Friends,

Shannon Henson, candidate for the Iowa House
HERE’S THIS WEEK’S PROGRAM. Dr. Charles Goldman, attorney Sally Frank, and columnist Rekha Basu join me for a deep dive into the anticipated US Supreme Court ruling on Roe v. Wade.
Given our various backgrounds, we discuss the medical, legal, public, and political dimensions of abortion. I really appreciate such experts taking the time to share their perspectives. It’s an excellent conversation, and I hope you’ll listen. Feedback welcome.
Briefly, I want to emphasize three things:
POLITICS. It’s increasingly likely there’ll be a heated debate on abortion at the Iowa Statehouse next year. If you live in House District 36, I hope you’ll join Kathy and me in supporting Shannon Henson. Shannon’s a hard worker and not easily pushed around. Her background as an attorney and perspective as a woman make her the best choice to represent this district in the fight to defend a woman’s right to choose. She’s solid on many other issues that Kathy and I care about, too.
Come meet Shannon at our home the evening of Friday, May 27. She’ll be with us from 5:00-6:30 to answer your questions, and she’ll give a short speech around 5:45. Donations welcome, too, of course.
THIS IS SO WRONG! The likely Supreme Court ruling on Roe v. Wade is beyond shocking. US history has been all about expanding human rights. To repeal 50 years of precedent and tell a woman she no longer has control over her body is a devastating reversal of freedom. It’s such a colossal step backwards I predict the decision, like prohibition in the 1920s, will be short-lived. Americans will not stand for such backsliding. Yet in the meantime, women will suffer and die, and that is unconscionable and tragic.
Despite how strongly I feel about this issue, I ask you to …
NOT DEMONIZE ANTI-CHOICE VOTERS. Sure, there are some monsters out there who have shot and killed doctors, terrorized pregnant women, and burned down medical facilities. Yet from my own work building bridges, most are good people who simply have strong beliefs. In my conversations, I listen, of course, and try to identify common ground. Yet I don’t hesitate to politely challenge “pro-life” voters to consider how a nation committed to personal liberty and religious tolerance can defend denying a woman the right to make this choice.
During 14 years as a state lawmaker, I had a 100% pro-choice voting record. Yet that didn’t stop me from working with “pro-life” Republicans to come up with strategies to reduce the incidence of abortion. That effort culminated in 1998, when five Republicans and two Democrats joined me in sponsoring HR104. That legislation passed without dissent on April 22. It established the Unintended Pregnancy Committee, and provided one of the few occasions when NARAL, Planned Parenthood, Family Policy Center, and Iowa Right to Life Committee sat down at the same table and talked.
While those of us who support a woman’s right to choose must be vocal, engaged, and firm, we must also be civil. Preaching to the choir while we lob derogatory remarks at “the other side” accomplishes nothing.
For the Farm and Food segment of this week’s program, Kathy Byrnes and I look inside the hives and lives of bees. That conversation starts at the 53:00-minute mark. Thanks. — Ed
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Please support the local businesses and non-profits who make this program possible. Click on their logos on the Fallon Forum website and in our weekly email, and visit Dr. Drake Family Psychiatry, Story County Veterinary Clinic, Bold Iowa, and Birds & Bees Urban Farm. Thanks for supporting the civil alternative to the shock jocks!
Ed Fallon
This was an interesting article about women’s rights. My friend is interested in the topic of women’s rights. I’ll share this article about women’s rights with my friend later today.