9:00 a.m. CDT, Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Evelyn Davis at or (510) 316-2838
Ed Fallon at or (515) 238-6404
Walk to Paris for Climate Action
Two Americans who walked across U.S continue on to Paris
On 11 November (Veterans Day in the U.S.), two Americans who last year walked across the U.S. for action on climate change will set-out from the coast of Normandy, France, walking over 350 kilometers to arrive in Paris on 28 November for the start of the United Nations Climate Summit. The Summit is seen as pivotal if the nations of the world are to take effective, timely action to address climate change.
Last year, Ed Fallon of Iowa and Steve Martin of Kentucky walked 5,000 kilometers across America with the Great March for Climate Action. The March was conceived by Fallon, a former Iowa lawmaker, as a dramatic way to build public awareness about the urgency of the climate crisis. A core group of about 35 marchers walked 25-30 kilometers six days a week for eight months, engaging thousands of Americans in one-on-one conversations about climate change. Fallon walked every step of the way. Martin diverted his walk to New York City and the People’s Climate March.
Having reached the east coast of the United States last fall, and with the all-important UN Climate Summit in Paris looming, Fallon and Martin felt called to continue their mission.
For Fallon, starting the Walk on the coast of Normandy has deep personal significance. “My Dad was a kid during World War II, the son of Irish immigrants growing up in New York City. He told me stories about how, for the longest time, America ignored the atrocities being committed, yet finally came to the aid of France and the rest of Europe in Normandy in June of 1944.”
“With the UN Climate Summit in Paris, America again has the opportunity and the responsibility to step forward as it did during World War II, to become actively involved in the global response to the climate crisis that threatens our very survival,” concluded Fallon.
Martin was deeply moved earlier this year by Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change.
“For me, this a pilgrim’s walk,” said Martin. “Making footsteps is an age-old practice. It links our common spirit to the change we hope to see, and in the end, I believe the human heart will triumph.”

Ed and Steve near Washington, DC, as the Climate March prepares for the final day’s walk to the White House.
Martin sees faith as a key instrument.
Fallon and Martin intend to walk about 20-25 kilometers five to six days a week. They are working to build connections to organizations addressing climate change in both Europe and the U.S.
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I’m not corporate media. I’m a radio announcer in Ft. Dodge, Iowa. I’d like to know who pays your bills, who funds your campaign? I’d like to know who will pay the bills of workers who will have no source of income because of you.
Are you tied to a national, corporately funded climate change activist group?
Is it moral to turn farmland owners and workers in small communities against each other?
Why do you use fear?
I don’t care if you answer me. Who am I but a worker? Your funding sources and who’s behind you should be known. The People of Iowa have a right to know.