NoDAPL Rally, Concert and Call to Action: Pictures and Video

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Indigenous Iowa and Bold Iowa organized a NoDAPL Rally, Concert and Call to Action on the south steps of the Iowa Capitol on July 1, 2017. Many powerful Native and non-Native speakers shared words of inspiration and music, including classical guitarist, Gabriel Ayala.

Click here for NoDAPL Rally, Concert and Call to Action Photo Album


Bold Iowa and Indigenous Iowa Still #NoDapl Summary Video by Rodger Routh

Gabriel Ayala speaks at NoDAPL Rally about his experience at Standing Rock, about “having sound cannons used on us . . . my nephew got shot on his leg twice by a rubber bullet.”

Regina Tsosie with the Native American Coalition of the Quad Cities opens the July 1 NoDAPL rally with a song.

Dave Whiting speaks at July 1 NoDAPL rally.

Donnielle Wanatee, a Meskwaki leader, speaks at July 1 NoDAPL rally, introduced by Dave Whiting.

Janet Coester speaks at July 1 NoDAPL Rally. This is the first part of Janet’s speech, with introduction by Christine Nobiss.

Gabriel Ayala speaks at July 1 NoDAPL Rally.

Lakasha Touches Lightning, Dave Whiting and Gabriel Ayala drum and sing at July 1 NoDAPL Rally.

Lakasha Touches Lighting speaks at July 1 NoDAPL Rally.

Gabriel Ayala at Iowa State Capitol NoDAPL Rally.

Ako Abdul-Samad speaks at July 1 NoDAPL Rally.

Chris Truitt speaks on Iowa water quality at July 1 NoDAPL Rally.

Christine Nobiss speaks at July 1 NoDAPL Rally.

Ed Fallon speaks at July 1 NoDAPL Rally.

Gabriel Ayala unplugged at July 1 NoDAPL Rally.