Dear Friends,
You’re busy, right? So, let’s just fly through this today, shall we? HERE’S THIS WEEK’S PODCAST.
SUPREME COURT SMACKS DOWN DAPL. Great news! Energy Transfer thought it might weasel its way out of an environmental review of the pipeline’s impact. ‘Fraid not. Now President Biden and Vice President Harris need to keep their promise to shut it down for good. In their own words:
While we’re talking pipelines …
OPPOSITION TO CO2 PIPELINES. Americans are fed up with big corporations and their government lackeys trampling on their property rights, ruining their land, threatening their water, and further damaging our climate. Opposition is growing. Keep track of the Summit, Navigator, and ADM CO2 pipeline proposals on Bold Iowa’s website (under “Current Actions”).
SEA LEVEL RISE. A new report by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) confidently predicts nearly a foot of sea-level rise by mid-century — and that’s not just a problem for those living on the coasts. Climate analyst John Davis joins me at the 35-minute mark to discuss this sobering reality.
SOME GOOD NEWS ON CLIMATE. Check out this report on how each state is faring in terms of renewable energy production.
CORPORATE MEDIA IS ALL KINDS OF WRONG. At the 18-minute mark, we’re joined by Brian Rosenwald, author of Talk Radio’s America: How an Industry Took Over a Political Party That Took Over the United States. Consolidation and polarization within the mainstream media is off the charts, and likely to get worse. That’s why it’s so important that we support efforts like …
LITTLE VILLAGE MAGAZINE, and other local, independent media outlets. We talk with Genevieve Trainor at the 2-minute mark about Little Village Mag’s launch in Des Moines.
And to wrap up on a high note:

Kathy Byrnes pictured this week with artichoke and onion plants, started from heirloom seeds.
PLANT HEIRLOOM SEEDS! Kathy Byrnes with Birds & Bees Urban Farm joins me at the 53-minute mark to discuss what to plant now and how to nurture it through the remaining weeks of winter. If you live in the greater Des Moines metro, check out the nine-month course Kathy and I offer on how to turn your yard into dinner. Your taste buds, budget, and our planet will thank you.
(01:58) The rise of independent media, with Genevieve Trainor;
(18:27) Media consolidation and polarization getting worse, with Brian Rosenwald;
(35:15) Big media ignores climate wake-up call on sea level rise, with John Davis;
(53:29) Starting heirloom seeds, with Kathy Byrnes.
– KHOI 89.1 FM (Ames, Iowa)
– KICI.LP 105.3 FM (Iowa City, Iowa)
– WHIV 102.3 FM (New Orleans, Louisiana)
– KPIP-LP, 94.7 FM (Fayette, Missouri)
– KCEI 90.1 FM (Taos, New Mexico)
– KRFP 90.3 FM (Moscow, Idaho)
Please support the local businesses and non-profits who make this program possible. Click on their logos on the Fallon Forum website and in our weekly email, and visit Dr. Drake Family Psychiatry, Story County Veterinary Clinic, Bold Iowa, and Birds & Bees Urban Farm.Thanks for supporting the progressive alternative to the right-wing shock jocks!
Ed Fallon