Dear Friends,
Much of my political work has involved fighting for constituency groups ignored, maligned, or discriminated against by those in power. One of the most memorable instances was in 1996, when I spoke out before the Iowa House against a proposed ban on same-sex marriage. You can read my speech here.

Ed Fallon testifying in support of marriage equality before the US House Judiciary Committee, May 15, 1996.
That speech landed me an invitation by US Rep. Barney Frank to testify before a US House congressional committee. Click on the image at right to watch that speech. And yeah, I look just a little bit younger.
Two Republican Congressmen “questioned” me (at 1:35:25 and 1:42:15 of the full hearing, viewable here). Their remarks focused, incredibly, on polygamy, which I assured them was not a pressing issue in my legislative district.
Since the Democratic Party’s “leadership” at that time was solidly anti-gay, my advocacy landed me a primary opponent in 1996. I won reelection, though it should be noted that some pro-LGBT officials were booted out of office during the 90s because of their stand.
Amusingly, my advocacy also landed me in a deck of cards published by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. That is seriously an honor I’ll always cherish.
Those two speeches paved the way for me to reach a broader audience with the message that everyone deserves the right to marry the one they love. I was later quoted in Evan Wolfson’s book, Why Marriage Matters, and later still in some high school text books.
The question of whether or not marriage equality is threatened is my topic during the first segment of this week’s program. Short answer: No, it’s not. The fight for equality has shifted to our trans brothers and sisters, and to defending women against legislative assaults on their bodily autonomy. Depending upon the outcome of the November 8 election, those two fights may take several turns for the worse.
For the second segment of this week’s program, author Andy Douglas joins me to discuss Progressive Utilization Theory — a movement to achieve sustainability by replacing capitalism and communism with more humane, holistic, environmentally sensitive systems.
My third topic this week involves prognostication about the midterm elections. Many are seeing great pain and suffering for Democrats. Film-maker Michael Moore sees it otherwise. I’m inclined to agree with Mike, with some caveats.
Finally, Kathy Byrnes and I discuss pasta. Yes, pasta! Is it really Italian? Well … I hope our discussion doesn’t get us into trouble with our friends at Tumea and Sons.
Again, a reminder: If you appreciate the work we do, HERE’S THE LINK TO DONATE OR BECOME A SPONSOR.
Thanks for reading, listening, and voting! — Ed Fallon
(01:46) Marriage equality and how I became the two of spades;
(20:33) Progressive Utilization Theory, with Andy Douglas;
(39:20) Michael Moore’s take on the midterm elections;
(55:38) Pasta’s Italian cred questioned, with Kathy Byrnes.
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Ed Fallon