Monday, December 13, 2021 — 9:00 a.m. CT
Contact: Ed Fallon, 515-238-6404 or
Iowan who Biden told to vote for someone else accepts Trump’s debate challenge
DES MOINES, IOWA — Ed Fallon, the former Democratic state legislator who Joe Biden told to “go vote for someone else,” has accepted Donald Trump’s challenge to debate the 2020 election results.
On November 28, 2021, Trump wrote, “The Fake News Media cannot stand the fact that so many people in our Country know the truth, that the 2020 Election was rigged and stolen. … I am willing to challenge the heads of the various papers or even far left politicians. … If anyone would like a public debate on the facts, not the fiction, please let me know.”

“Donald Trump Sr. at #FITN in Nashua, NH” by Michael Vadon is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Presumably, Mr. Trump had hoped a prominent Democratic member of Congress or President Biden’s administration would debate him. To date, it appears no one has agreed to do that.
“Given the facts on the 2020 election, I’m surprised no leading Democrat wants to debate Trump,” said Fallon. “Well, when the bully Goliath taunted the Israelites and none would face him, David stepped forward. Let’s do this, Mr. Trump. Bring on your strongest arguments as to why you think the election was stolen. Like Goliath, you’re going to lose.”
Fallon served for 14 years in the Iowa House, representing parts of Des Moines. He ran unsuccessfully for governor in 2006, finishing with 26% of the vote in a four-way Democratic primary. In 2008, he challenged US Congressman Leonard Boswell in the Democratic primary and lost, receiving 39% of the vote.
“If I can hang tough when Joe Biden pokes me in the chest and grabs my lapels, I’m certainly not afraid to debate Donald Trump,” said Fallon, referencing the January 26, 2020, incident when Biden told Fallon to “go vote for someone else” after Fallon questioned him about climate change and the Dakota Access Pipeline.
For the past 12 years, Fallon has hosted a talk show, The Fallon Forum. He also directs Bold Iowa, whose mission is to build rural-urban coalitions to fight climate change and prevent the abuse of eminent domain to build pipelines.
[Photo: "Donald Trump Sr. at #FITN in Nashua, NH" by Michael Vadon is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0]
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