Dear Friends,
THIS WEEK’S PODCAST. Jessica Wiskus and I discuss her research about the proposed CO2 pipelines. In their own words, pipeline execs and their spokespersons make it clear they plan to use the CO2 traveling through Iowa to extract more oil.
VIEW JESSICA’S PRESENTATION HERE. It’s well worth watching, sharing, and watching again. Packed with excellent information. Nice job, Jessica!
Why do I think Democrats are headed for another train wreck? Let me take you back to 2006, when I ran for governor. Rural Iowans of all political stripes were fed up with Republicans’ unwillingness to fix the Confined Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) problem. That issue was a key factor in Democrats winning the governor’s office that year and taking control of the Iowa House and Senate.
With a new party in charge, Iowans expected results. Voters gave Democrats four years to fix the CAFO problem. Democrats failed — miserably, in fact, arguably making the problem worse.
Today, the political landscape in Iowa is much the same. Republicans refuse to help rural Iowans threatened by 2,000 miles (yes, 2,000!) of CO2 pipelines. Once again, they’ve handed Democrats a winning issue.
And what does the leadership of the Iowa Democratic Party do? So far, it has refused to take a stand against this property-rights-trampling, public-health-menacing, faux-climate-solution greenwashing scheme.

Ed in front of a trainload of oil pipeline segments, 2016.
Consider three things:
DEMOCRATIC STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE (SCC). On February 26, SCC member Emma Schmit offered a resolution to put the Iowa Democratic Party on record expressing its “disapproval for the development and construction of pipelines involved in the carbon capture and sequestration process.”
In her appeal, Emma pleaded, “You elect Democrats by doing what needs to be done and saying what needs to be said. Rural Iowans are watching and waiting. It is going to look terrible for the Democratic Party if we do not come out and stand up for the people that are being impacted.”
The SCC’s response? A 21-17 vote against even discussing Emma’s resolution. That’s right. They refused to even discuss the issue.
HOUSE MINORITY LEADER JENNIFER KONFRST. When asked about her stance on CO2 pipelines during an Iowa Press roundtable on February 4, Rep. Konfrst said, “Is a carbon pipeline a good idea? I don’t know. I can see a lot of pros and cons with this. I think we need to define how this fits into the public good definition. But on the other hand, it builds jobs, it helps with the environment. So sorry, I don’t have a yes or no. I think it depends.”
Wow. Strong stuff. Not! And if you believe Konfrst is right when she says that CO2 pipelines are good for the environment, you need to take 35 minutes to watch Jessica Wiskus’ presentation.
SENATE MAJORITY LEADER ZACH WAHLS. I searched and searched but couldn’t find statements anywhere from Sen. Wahls regarding his position on CO2 pipelines. So, I left a message for him at the statehouse. Never heard back.
We’ll see what happens next. I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t expect to hear more than lip service from a few Republican legislators. As for Democrats? We’ll see. I’m cautiously optimistic that the progressive-populist element of the Party’s base might yet rise to the occasion and compel Democrats to defend land, liberty, and the environment.
(01:32) Exposing the climate-change lie in CO2 pipelines, with Jessica Wiskus;
(54:21) How “fast fashion” has become a major culprit in speeding up climate change.
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Ed Fallon
I totally agree that not only the state but the national Democratic are bowing down to the people that are only interested in what makes money for them (the me, me, people) and not what is good for all the people and the state and nation we live in.