Dear Friends,
(01:18) Expected rulings from Trump’s Supreme Court;
(20:21) Evidence withheld in death penalty cases;
(38:46) America’s two pro-war parties;
(53:50) A history of America’s iconic pumpkin pie spice, with Kathy Byrnes.
At last month’s Rescue the Republic rally, Tulsi Gabbard delivered a powerful anti-war message I want to share with you:
Click here to listen to the 2-minute clip I’ve pulled.

Tulsi Gabbard on the Fallon Forum, September, 2019. Here’s a link to our conversation.
Before you bite off my head, let me make one thing clear: Gabbard is completely wrong when it comes to Donald Trump. Trump is absolutely no peace candidate.
Quick refresher: As president, Trump increased the number of airstrikes in Afghanistan. He escalated counterterrorism efforts in Yemen. He cancelled the Iran nuclear treaty. He signed the biggest increase in spending on nuclear weapons since the end of the Cold War. He also signed an overall increase in military spending.
Unfortunately, because most leading Democrats have abandoned criticism of the military-industrial complex, peace voters are looking elsewhere for a presidential standard bearer.
I had Gabbard on my program in 2019. I liked what she had to say then, and I like what she said at the Rescue the Republic rally. Again, listen to Gabbard’s remarks, starting at 10:51, and other than her endorsement of Trump, tell me where she’s wrong.
More important, tell me what it’s going to take to build an American political party committed to peace, a party that will:
— End the nuclear arms race and aggressively push for disarmament;
— Stop wasting lives and dollars on regime-change wars;
— Slash the military-industrial complex’s ever-growing budget;
— Scale back and eventually disband NATO (a Cold-War era leftover);
— Normalize diplomacy over violence as the US’s go-to foreign policy.
— Prioritize human rights, economic justice, and environmental protection as key components of an effective, comprehensive foreign policy.
Thanks for reading, listening, and taking action. — Ed Fallon
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