To whom it my concern,
I started working for Ed Fallon in 2012 and we worked together until 2018. Much of that time was spent in a one room studio, and I’ve always felt safe in his presence. My family has been a guest in his home, and he has been a guest in our home. Never, in any time or setting, has Ed ever behaved inappropriately towards me or anyone else. He has only treated me with kindness and respect. I’ve never felt uncomfortable around him and I’ve never seen him be anything other than a gentleman to those around him.
I can say with confidence that Ed Fallon is not a predator. Ed is a good man of upstanding character. He has never harassed or mistreated me or anyone else in any way. I’ve come to trust him greatly over the years, and I would trust him with my child. I’m blessed to have Ed Fallon in my life and our community, and I will continue to stand by him and support him and his work. Furthermore, I certify under penalty of perjury and pursuant to the laws of the state of Iowa that the preceding is true and correct.
Madison Kain