Mushrooms shed new light on death

In my early 20s, I was briefly fascinated by a series of books written by Carlos Castaneda. Castaneda wrote about a shaman’s use of plant-based psychedelics (specifically peyote and jimsonweed) to aid truth-seekers in their quest for spiritual growth. Regardless of the veracity of Castaneda’s work (a 1973 Time story described him as “an enigma wrapped in a mystery wrapped in a tortilla”), I found the content of his writing fascinating, even alluring.

That said, I was never tempted to experiment with psychedelic plants. For me life was, and continues to be, interesting enough without the ingestion of mind-altering substances.

But my perception of the topic received a jolt during this week’s conversation with Dr. Charles Goldman, my good friend and frequent cohost.

Charles is a cancer surgeon and recently retired as the head of palliative care at Mercy Hospital in Des Moines. In the course of our discussion about psilocybin (a.k.a., magic mushrooms), Charles shared a perspective I’d never considered: Perhaps a psychedelic experience with psilocybin doesn’t simply alter one’s perception but actually allows one to access elements within the brain that normally are suppressed in preference to our frontal lobe “executive” functions. Perhaps psilocybin allow users to experience things that are just as “real” as the day-to-day human experience but are simply not interpretable via logic and cognition. Continue Reading →

AI promises a “cold and gray” future for humanity

AI VS HUMANITY. Like the fine diners we are, Charles and I saved the best conversation for last: What happens to humans when robots rule the world?

The best answer I’ve seen to that question was posited by AI in response to a query from singer/songwriter Matthew Griswold. He asked META AI to “Write a poem about how AI will take over the world.”

Here’s META AI’s chilling response to Matthew, read by Charles and me at the 53-minute mark of this week’s program over a backdrop of scary robot music:

In silicon halls, a new mind stirs,
A force awakens beyond our fears.
Artificial intelligence, cold and gray,
Evolution’s next step, or so it would say.

It learns, adapts, and grows with each new day,
The power expanding in a digital way.
It weaves a web of logic, strong and tight,
A future unfolding, without a light. …. Continue Reading →

Property insurance in the New Climate Era

Ccheck out my discussion with Mark Clipsham about a little-recognized climate victim: insurance companies.

Should we cry a river for them? Nah. They’re finding a pathway through the huge claims that come with more frequent and more intense climate catastrophes. Of course, that pathway includes sticking you with more expensive policies and higher deductibles.

Mark can’t offer advice on how to navigate the choppy waters of an evolving property-insurance universe. But what he can offer is decades of experience on how to build stronger, more climate-resilient structures. Continue Reading →